Looking for local, meaningful holiday gifts? We have a couple of ideas that will fill the bill–and all profits will benefit the Friends of the Richmond Hills!
Aesculus, A California Buckeye Calendar

This 2025 calendar honors a favorite California Buckeye tree which grows on the Clark-Boas trail, and features a seasonal poem and year-round photos by Deborah Bachels Schmidt.
8 ½ X 11 Wall Calendar $20.00
11 X 14 XL Wall Calendar $25.00
Click HERE to purchase
Two great T-shirt designs by Pilar Schmidt

The “Protect the Richmond Hills” design features the familiar view from the Clark Road trail. The “Coyote” is wrapped in flowing bird, cloud and plant images. Both shirts available in a range of colors, sizes for all ages, and styles including tees, hoodies, and tanks. Many of the colors and styles are 100% cotton.
Tees $23.99-29.99 depending on style, Hoodies $37.99
Click ProtectTheRichmondHills to purchase
Click Coyote to purchase